Water is a renewable resources.It is an important resources which is used in our daily life.We use water for various purposes. we use it for drinking,cleaning,etc.so it has direct impact on the quality of life as wll as in our daily life. There are many rivers and manipulates,streams,lake.In water resorces our country neapal is secound richet country in the world.but also it faces many problems regarding different purposes like drinking,hydroelecricity,irrigation etc. The main sorces of water are rivers,lakes and underground water.The main rivers of nepal are kankai,kamala,mechi,mahakali,bagmati,rapti and others, frm this rivers we can perform many works like irrigation,hydroelectricity,drinking,cleaningetc.mostly nepalese people are engaged in agricultural sector so water is very useful in irrigation.irrigation helps farmers to develop new technologies and intensive cultivation,both which give more production.
Water is used for drinking purposes.Drinking water is termed as life for people.Water also helps in the development of indrustr.various small,medium and large scale industries run with the help of hydroelectricity.many big industries cannot run with the help of elecricity so hydroelectrycity is very useful and important for the industries.hydroelectricity helps to reduce the cost of production therefore it has a great importance in the development of industries in nepal. so water resources is very very important in our daily life and for the development of a country.
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