Nepal was once considered as greenery of forest as well as wealthiest in forest resource.however with passage of time day by day the population is increasing rapidly.moreover people start cutting down trees and destroys forest Nepal is weak and has very little forest areas where people are facing many problems like landslide,soil erosion and people has lost their lives and people has lost each part of their bodies.Many animals dies and many people has lost their properties.Moreover people has not stop cutting trees.This shows that ecological imbalance is gradually increasing.
The future of Nepal forest is not bright.If afforestation program is not conducted properly, the forest resources will be destroyed up coming year.There will be barren land all over the nepal and one day it will be story of forest that at many many years ago, nepal
was called as greenery country.
Forest Resources
The future of Nepal forest is not bright.If afforestation program is not conducted properly, the forest resources will be destroyed up coming year.There will be barren land all over the nepal and one day it will be story of forest that at many many years ago, nepal

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